This article applies to Maya Mobile for Business accounts only.
Data Pools
Configuring one or more Data Pools is the first step in setting up your Maya Mobile for Business account. This guide explains the function of Data Pools and how you can use them to create group plans, manage your organization's roaming data usage, and lower your roaming costs.
Setting up Data Pools
What is a Data Pool?
Data Pools define where your account eSIMs are allowed to use data. Without a Data Pool, your eSIMs will not be enabled to access roaming data in any region.
A Data Pool also represents a monthly limit of data that can be consumed in the Data Pool's region. This data limit resets on the 1st of each month.
Adding a Data Pool
To add a new Data Pool to your Maya Mobile for Business account, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to the Data Pools page under the Mobile Data section.
- Click the Create Data Pool button.
- Select the following options:
- Name - A unique name used to identify the Data Pool in your dashboard.
- Data Region - The region where the Data Pool will provide roaming data connectivity.
- Data Limit - The maximum amount of data the Data Pool will allow per month.
- Click Create Data Pool to confirm the configuration.
When selecting the Data Region, you can select an individual country, or a regional group like Europe, Asia/Pacific, or Latin America.
Cost Management
What is the cost of Data Pools?
Data Pools are not billable units. There is no cost to create data pools. Instead, they are "logical units" used to define where eSIMs can access the network, and limit maximum account usage. This feature is intended to:
- Allow multiple eSIMs to access the same data plan; and,
- Provide a cost management tool to limit the maximum allowed usage of your account.
Using Data Pools to Manage Roaming Costs
When you create a Data Pool, you set the Data Limit, which is the combined maximum that all eSIMs assigned to the Data Pool are allowed to consume each month. The Data Limit provides an account-level limit on maximum data that can be consumed in the Data Pool region.
If Data Pool limit is reached, all eSIMs in the pool will be automatically suspended to prevent further usage. You will receive email alert when data pools are nearing their limit.
To change the user who will receive Data Usage alerts, see: Updating Notification Settings
Using Multiple Data Pools
There is no limit on the number of Data Pools that can be configured in your account, and eSIMs can be assigned to multiple Data Pools.
For a use case where users are traveling to the United States and Mexico, which have different roaming costs, create one Data Pool for the United States and a second Data Pool for Mexico. You will be able to see the Data Usage and Costs for each region independently.
Data Usage Charges
Regardless of Data Pool configuration, your account will be charged for the data consumption of each eSIM according to the rates on the Price List page, on a per-Megabyte (MB) basis.
This example illustrates a minimum Business account setup and the resulting costs that will be incurred for roaming data usage.
- Create Data Pool with Data Region: France and Data Limit: 20GB
- Create 5 eSIMs and assign to Data Pool: France. The eSIMs are now allowed to access roaming data in France.
- Over the next 30 days, the 5 eSIMs each consume 2GB of data. This is within the pool's Data Limit of 20GB, so there will be no interruption of service.
- Your account will be charged for the total data usage of 5 eSIMs x 2GB of data = 10GB of data usage.
- The price per Megabyte will be listed in your account's Price List. Assume it is $0.0025 per Megabyte ($2.50 USD per Gigabyte).
- The total cost for data usage will be 10GB x $2.50 USD = $25 USD.
Because the Data Pool was configured with a Data Limit of 20GB per month in France, the maximum cost would be 20GB x $2.50 USD = $50 USD per month. However, the eSIMs assigned to the pool did not use the full amount of data allowed by the Data Pool. They were only charged for real data usage.
This is only an illustrative example of Usage-based billing. For a complete overview of Maya Mobile for Business billing, see: Usage-based Billing Overview & Examples
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